Language can be said to be the biggest human possession. It, for this reason, has a role in every aspect of human existence, including thought processes...
Report Writing — Beyond and before their structures and languages, reports should be considered as carefully set out accounts of facts and information gathered through investigations....
The realisation of meaning (Situations) in sentences goes beyond the ability to assemble words and master their meanings in isolation. The meanings of sentences or utterances...
Minutes are the formal records of discussions, decisions and conclusions at a meeting. When people meet for academic, legal, social, religious and political purposes, among others,...
Vocabulary means the words that a language user knows and uses conveniently. Broadly speaking, every individual embodies active vocabulary (words that s/he deploys) and passive vocabulary...
The Dynamics Of Gradable And Non-Gradable Adjectives While disclosing a gut-wrenching account of domestic violence, some time ago, a middle-aged man declared thus: I am very...
In grammar, modifiers in English are words that limit or intensify the meanings of other words. When humans write or speak, there is, oftentimes, the need...
The Mechanics Of Conditional Sentences — According to the tenth edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, a conditional is a clause or sentence which begins...
Tense (Forms) is one of the verbal systems that largely control and affect meaningful expressions in English. Different tense forms perform distinct functions. That is to...
In this treatise, I describe as unconventional nouns those whose plural markers do not generate their plural forms. For such nouns, the addition of -s, –...