Crypto Definitions: 31 Most Popular Cryptocurrency Terms, Meanings

Cryptocurrency like every other industry has its jargon and meanings, hence, here is a list of 31 Most Popular Crypto Terminology And crypto definitions and their Meanings.
Aside from the world most-popular virtual currency, Bitcoin (BTC) it’s imperative to know that the repository of all the jargon used within the crypto realm (also known as a glossary) becomes essential commodities for crypto enthusiasts and prospects to feast on while on the sojourn of the crypto world.
Despite the hurdles presently playing out in some countries banning crypto trading, yet, Brand News Day has compiled for you, the list of most popular cryptocurrency terminology; crypto phrases, crypto trading terminology, cryptocurrency keywords list, cryptocurrency definitions, crypto keywords, crypto language that are commonly used within the industry.
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Hold a glass of wine (Shill your coin) as we wine and dine transitioning to understand the crypto terminology and its meanings.
Below are:
Crypto definitions: 31 terms commonly used in cryptocurrency trading Terminology
BTC is an acronym for Bitcoin as popularly used in the crypto space, Bitcoin is the largest and oldest virtual currency ever.
this stands for an Alternate cryptocurrency that is any cryptocurrency other than the world-most-expensive-commodity, Bitcoin.
This is a crypto terminology that means the process of using computer/smartphone power to secure and verify bitcoin transactions on a decentralized network. The transaction data is added to the public ledger, and each 1 MB group of transactions is called a block.
The pseudonym of the inventor/creator of the popular bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto. Interestingly, a satoshi stands as the smallest fraction/unit of a bitcoin, each satoshi worth one hundred million a BTC.
Bag Holder:
A bag holder is a person who buys and hold coins in large quantity hoping to make good ROI (Return On Investment) in the future.
Blockchain :
A group of digital records of cryptographically secure transactions. Once recorded, transactions in the blockchain cannot be altered without the alteration of subsequent transactions and have to be agreed to by the network majority. The security of the blockchain lies in its decentralized design. Meanwhile, Blocks built on the secure and decentralized network is referred to as a blockchain.
This referred to as a negative price movement in the crypto realm.
This is a positive price movement during inter trading days.
Cryptocurrency/ Crypto definitions:
Buy The Fucking Dip
This is another crypto jargon that stands as an indicator in the chart of any coin, precisely means, Long green or red candles
Dumping of any coin is the sell-off of a coin in large volume leading to a sharp reduction from its actual price.
Many crypto analysts advised investors or prospects to ‘Do Your Own Research’ after researching any coin.
Fundamental Analysis
Many crypto traders FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) on a coin that witness bullish run. At times, this leads to a dump.
Fear Uncertainty & Doubt
Hold/Hold a position HODL – this started out as a misspelling of the word “hold”. People thought it meant “Hold On for Dear Life”, but it simply means holding on to your cryptocurrency when prices are highly volatile. People who do this are called HODLERs.
Margin bull position. It can also be said to mean a long term HODling of a coin.
Margin bear position: It can also be said to mean a short-term HODling of a coin.
MCAP is duly suggested for any trader or investor to consider the Market Capitalization of any coin before FOMOing to hold the bag.
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Mooning of any altcoin means the continuous upward movement of the price of such a coin.
Over The Counter
Pumping of a coin goes beyond the Upward price movement of such coin, however, it’s imperative to note that any coin experiencing a spike in price movement is believed to have been pumped by influencing investors (whales).
A shitcoin coin represents a coin with no potential value or use.
Technical Analysis
When you have a bad loss
This is referred to as the markets movers, these are very Wealthy trader/Market mover always influencing the market.
Weak Hand:
A weak Hand is another crypto jargon that means a holder used to selling at the first sign of a deep price in the market, however, events always turning around leading to the holder’s regret in early sales.
#bitcoin #cryptocurrency
When your little nest egg of bitcoin or other cryptocurrency reaches a value high enough to buy yourself a Lamborghini, you’ve reached Lambo wealth.
Every industry has shills. In the crypto world, this is someone who promotes an altcoin so they can personally benefit.
When a shitcoin you’re trading or bought getting bullish and witnessing a sharp negative price movement as the market keeps dumping.
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