Yemi Alade’s team gave music lovers several exciting moments on the latest episode of The Voice Nigeria, which aired over the weekend. The leading international competition...
Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX Group) Plc is set to launch a campaign to project its new positioning and commitment to the African financial markets as a...
The relationship between the Fintech Industry and the Financial Markets is a symbiotic one in that they both stand to gain tremendously from each other. Fintechs...
FMDQ Securities Exchange Limited (FMDQ Exchange) is pleased to announce the approval, by the Board Listings and Markets Committee, of the listing of the FSDH Funding...
The Stellar Initiative (TSI), a non-governmental organization with a core focus on alleviating poverty and educating children across Africa, has announced its plan to educate one...
The UEFA Euro 2020 is now just 30 days away and fans around the world are gearing up for what promises to be a unique and...
Multi-award-winning singer, musician, songwriter, music producer, and entrepreneur, Darey has released a new music video for “Show Me Love”, an upbeat track featuring Teni The Entertainer....
The Tech Relevant Teacher Project, sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation and implemented by the Bunmi Adedayo Foundation, organised its Grant Award Ceremony which was held on...
Solad Power Group has connected its 10,000th small business to affordable and reliable power across its portfolio of mini-grids in Nigeria, marking a significant milestone in...
Mercy Corps’ ‘Building Resilience in Complex Crisis (BRICC)’ programme funded by the European Union, has signed a new partnership with Y’ello Digital Financial Services (owners of...