Sentence linkers are words or short phrases that are used to connect words, phrases, clauses or paragraphs together. Linkers are used to weave aspects of speech...
I have pursued the intricate aspects of nouns for two weeks, yet this wide-word class leaves us with much more to be demystified. One of the...
Stanbic IBTC Holdings PLC, a member of Standard Bank Group, announced the names of fortunate recipients of its prestigious University Scholarship Award for 2022. The N80,000,000.00...
Plurals In English – Word classes such as nouns and pronouns exhibit plurality as one of their features in English. Different languages account for plurality in...
Conflict is generally described as active disagreement and argument between persons, organisations or nations. It is important to note that conflict is an inevitable part of...
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), has appealed to all candidates sitting for the 2023 UTME to start printing their 2023 UTME examination notification slip...
Netiquette blends two words: (inter)net and etiquette. Etiquette is the set of rules or customs that control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situations....
Chrisland School will remain closed over a student’s death in spite of other Lagos schools reopening after the presidential elections break, details can be accessed below....
The 2023 Nigerian Presidential Election – An election is an essential part of a country’s democracy. It is a prerequisite for sustaining a democratic government. The...
Have you ever heard anyone say, “Spare me those jargons“? It is instructive to know that “jargon“, a mass or an uncountable noun, does not mean...