Jumia Takes More Actions to Support the Fight Against COVID-19; Salary cut for the two co-CEOs

Salary cut for the two co-CEOs and an intervention fund for essential staff are the latest actions taken
LAGOS, Nigeria – Africa’s leading e-commerce platform, Jumia, has announced a number of actions to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The last few weeks have been unprecedented, with the COVID-19 crisis affecting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. We have taken major actions for our team, consumers, partners and communities. These are also times of great solidarity at Jumia. We will come out of this strong both as a team and as a company,“
Jeremy Hodara and Sacha Poignonnec, co-CEOs of Jumia.
Jumia’s actions to support the fight against COVID-19 include:
Health and safety measures
- We have implemented in our daily operations and delivery services increased hygiene & sanitary standards to ensure the safest experience for our team, partners and consumers. These include, but are not limited to, checking employees’ body temperatures, sanitizing facilities and surfaces, using masks and gloves while handling and delivering orders. All our warehouses and delivery partners have been trained on the best practices on personal hygiene and social distancing as per WHO guidelines.
Contactless delivery & cashless option
- We have rolled out social distancing and contactless experience. By enabling customers to buy online and offering contactless delivery options, we help eliminate physical contact and potentially reduce a person to person infection. To drive the initiative, the ‘contactless safe delivery’ option has been implemented on JumiaPay, our digital payment platform. This enables consumers to make prepaid payments for products online and have them delivered without a direct body contact or cash exchange with the delivery agent.
Commitment to community
- We have increased access to affordable basic foods and sanitary essentials through partnerships with several brands, including Reckitt Benckiser, and are focused on fighting price gouging to maintain fair prices on our platform. Jumia has waived the commission on specific sanitary products to help consumers access them at the lowest price.
- We have maintained our safe deliveries to consumers everywhere, including remote and rural areas, with Jumia’s integrated logistics network.
- We are sending a donation of half a million of CE certified face masks to Health Ministries in many countries, including Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco others for use by health workers, leveraging the company’s global logistics network from China. We have also delivered free meals to First responders & Health workers in Morocco and Tunisia through our Food platform.
- We have given visibility to key health instructions on our platforms. We collaborated with Ministries of Health in Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Morocco and South Africa to use our online platform to share and amplify the reach of much needed important health messages.
Fund for #JumiaHeroes
- We have established a solidarity fund for the frontline staff carrying out essential duties every day in our warehouses and delivery hubs during the crisis. The donations are made up of voluntary and confidential contributions from our employees.
25% cut off co-Founders’ salaries
- The two co-CEOs and co-Founders of the company, Jeremy Hodara and Sacha Poignonnec, will cut their respective salaries by 25% during the COVID-19 crisis to support the company.