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Interswitch Lists Power Of Mobile Payments In Driving Financial Inclusion



Interswitch, TechConnect 3.0

Interswitch has highlighted the transformative power of mobile payments to drive financial inclusion not only within Nigeria but across the entire African continent.

This was echoed at the recent Techconnect 3.0 event which was held in Abuja on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at the Abuja Continental Hotel.

Delivering his keynote address, Thomas Eze, Regional Head of Northern Business at Interswitch, stated the urgent need to unlock the full potential of mobile payments to orchestrate a more inclusive economy.


He highlighted the profound impact of these digital solutions, explaining how they bridge the financial services divide, especially in underserved areas, ultimately assimilating marginalized communities into the formal economy and boosting economic growth.

Interswitch’s commitment to empowering Nigerians and Africans was at the forefront of Eze’s discourse. He celebrated the consistent success of innovative products like Verve and Quickteller, lauding them as champions of financial inclusion and prosperity.

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“In an era defined by technological prowess and innovation, mobile payments serve as the gateway to financial inclusion. Interswitch has tirelessly championed this transformative journey, furnishing tailor-made payment solutions that empower small and medium-sized enterprises to partake in the digital economy.


”Our mission is clear – to democratize access to financial services, and our dedication to this mission remains steadfast,” declared Eze.

With a clarion call for collaboration amongst stakeholders, Eze emphasized the imperative of realizing a financially inclusive economy through mobile payments. He underscored the significance of generating sustainable outcomes for customers, institutions, and facilitators alike.

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In her presentation, Suzan Fasipe, Head, of Retail Payments Interswitch, addressed critical concerns, with a specific focus on fortifying existing solutions to curb fraud incidents, safeguarding consumers’ sensitive data, and navigating emerging industry trends.


The Techconnect 3.0 event served as an instrumental platform for robust discussions on financial inclusion strategies and the pivotal role of regulators in advancing digital financial inclusion. The panel session underscored the collective effort required to propel financial inclusion and guarantee a secure digital payments landscape.

In a show of appreciation for its devoted customers, Interswitch also took the opportunity to recognize and reward outstanding customers, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to nurturing enduring partnerships and fostering growth within the digital payment ecosystem.

Interswitch’s dedication to shaping a more inclusive financial landscape through mobile payments reverberates not only across the African continent but also on the global stage. The company’s visionary leadership stands as a beacon of inspiration for the financial industry, illuminating a path toward broader financial inclusion and economic empowerment

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